Recruitment and Selection Procedures
Recruitment Procedures for Staff
The following procedures apply for the appointment of all paid staff. It should be noted that these procedures do not affect the applicant’s rights under the relevant employment legislation.
Before the interview
- The person conducting the recruitment must use the Recruitment and Selection Checklist to ensure that effective practices are followed.
- The applicant must complete an application form, including reference requests.
The interview
- Interview boards will be comprised of experienced and qualified personnel with a proven ability to explore the information that the applicant has included on their application form.
- Applicants must be interviewed. This interview will discuss their application form, advise applicants of their responsibilities towards children and assess their suitability, including an awareness of child safeguarding practices.
Following the interview
- All paperwork associated with the application process should be kept in accordance with the record storage policy. All references, reports and communications in respect of the applicant should be in writing, and access to them will only be available to appropriate personnel within the Order.
- Applicants will be advised that their application and the follow-up process of recruitment will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.
- The successful applicant will be offered a position subject to:
- Suitable references (see Reference Request form); a minimum of two references from recent employers are required. The references must not be from family members and must be verbally verified.
- Signing a Declaration Form.
- Proof of qualifications, where applicable.
- Satisfactory Garda vetting (See Garda Vetting Policy).
- Proof of identification.
On appointment
- Ensure that the new employee is inducted in the Carmelite Child Safeguarding Statement, policies and procedures and that they agree to follow these by signing an agreement form.
- Ensure that the new employee agrees to abide by the Carmelite’s Code of Behaviour.
- Ensure that the new employee agrees to report all safeguarding concerns to the DLP in the Safeguarding Office.
- Appropriate probationary periods must be served.
- Ensure that professional support, supervision and appraisals are offered to church personnel.
- Provide ongoing training to church personnel, in particular, child safeguarding training in accordance with the NBSCCCI training requirements.