Community Prayer Service

Welcome to the website of the Irish Province of Carmelites. Please take some time to explore the site, which features a wide selection of news, articles, and other spiritual and intellectual resources.


Carmelites live and work in 26 nations throughout the world.  We are teachers, retreat directors, chaplains to hospitals and prisons, in parish ministry, counsellors, spiritual directors, and missionaries.

In Ireland, Carmelites have care of one parish in Dublin: Whitefriar Street, which is also an important and historic city centre church.  People come to Whitefriar Street and to other Carmelite churches at Kinsale, Kildare, Moate, Terenure College and Gort Muire to share in the celebration of the Eucharist and other religious services.

Irish Carmelites are still committed to education at Terenure College, Whitefriar Street, Third Level and through CIBI (Carmelite Institute of Britain and Ireland), which provides distance-learning courses on Carmelite Spirituality.

Opportunities for sharing and teaching the Carmelite spiritual tradition also arise through preaching, retreats and occasions of special devotion. The Irish Carmelites established a mission in Zimbabwe in 1946. This has now developed into a vibrant presence, with many young Zimbabwean Carmelites.

St Titus Brandsma

The canonisation of Titus Brandsma took place at St Peter’s, Rome, on Sunday, May 15th. This is a great moment of joy for the Carmelite Order, as St Titus has been an inspirational figure to all who walk the Carmelite path for many years.

Latest News

Here we feature a selection of news stories from across our communities and ministries in Ireland. This section is updated regularly so please check back often for our latest news. To access an archive of all recent news stories please click here.

Pope’s February prayer intention

Pope’s February prayer intention: ‘For vocations to priesthood, religious life’. Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of February, and urges Catholics to pray for young men and women to welcome God’s call to the priesthood or religious life.

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Upcoming Carmelite Saints & Blesseds Feast Days

In this section, we feature all the upcoming Carmelite Saints & Blesseds Feast Days. In each case, we provide a very brief story of their lives and contribution both to the Order and society in general, together with a short prayer or reflection. We update this section regularly. For a comprehensive look at all Carmelite Saints and Blesseds, please see here.

Reflections on Daily Readings

In this section, we assemble all the readings for the coming week and provide a useful reflection on their main themes. We update this section on a weekly basis, so please check back regularly. To see more please visit our full year of reflections here.

February 9 – February 15, 2025

5th week of Ordinary Time | Readings: Sunday Cycle C; Weekday Cycle 1.

The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Isaiah 6:1-8; Psalm 137; 1Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11

In our readings last week we saw the Lord calling us to be his prophets. In today’s first reading we see Isaiah answering the Lord’s call and volunteering to be the Lord’s messenger to the people. At the same time, however, Isaiah acknowledges that he is not fit for this task for he is a sinner. The Lord then takes away his sin. In the gospel we see Jesus by the lake of Gennesaret where he meets Simon Peter, as well as the brothers James and John. They have been out all night and have caught nothing but, at Jesus’ command, they cast their nets again and net a huge haul of fish. Peter realises he stands before someone truly great and asks to be left alone for he is a sinner. Still Jesus calls him and they follow him. Last week we were called to be God’s prophets; this week we are reminded of those who answered that call and what it is that we are asked to preach. It is now for us to decide whether or not we want to answer the call and live up to the commitments which were made at our baptism and which we ourselves renewed last Easter. There is also a reminder that God knows our inmost being, he knows of what we are made and still he calls us.

In the second reading we see St Paul reminding the Corinthians, and ourselves, about the basis of the Christian faith. He recalls their basic beliefs about Jesus and the resurrection as he taught them and he reminds them of how unworthy he himself was for this important work.

Genesis 1:1-19; Psalm 103; Mark 6:53-56

Today we begin reading from the Book of Genesis and in today’s passage we read of the first four days of creation. The author is not presenting scientific truth but is writing the basic truth that God is the benign Lord of Creation who has a plan for us. The Psalm takes up the theme of creation and praises God for all that he has made. In our Gospel we read that Christ’s fame had spread throughout the countryside and that the people brought to him their sick whom he cured. God created everything there is and he holds all of it in view and so he is aware of our difficulties and the things that afflict us. Being so aware he is ready to help and heal us if we believe and call on him from our hearts.

Memorial of St Scholastica, Virgin

Scholastica was born in Umbria in the late fifth century and was the sister of St Benedict. She became a nun and eventually was prioress of her monastery near Monte Cassino which she ran under the direction and guidance of her brother. She died in 543 or 547.

Genesis 1:20-2:4; Psalm 8; Mark 7:1-13

Today we read of the conclusion of the seven days of creation and in the text we see that humans were the last to be created but they are also the jewel in the crown of God’s creation. Being last created we were also entrusted with the stewardship of the earth, to look after it on God’s behalf. The book is an important reminder about the role of God in creation and of the role of humans to rule over that creation in the way in which God intends. The Psalm praises God for his magnificent creation. In our Gospel text from St Mark we see Jesus at odds with the Pharisees who are being overly concerned with the Law. He admonishes them for clinging to human traditions while not being concerned with the law of God. We are challenged today to listen to the word of God and to carry out its precepts in our lives rather than being interested in what we ourselves want to do or in creating traditions to suit ourselves.

Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes (Optional)

In 1858, fourteen year old Bernadette Soubirous received a vision from Our Lady near the mountain village of Lourdes, in southern France. Initially, people refused to believe her but the apparitions continued. When Bernadette asked the Lady who she was she replied that she was the Immaculate Conception. In time the well and site of the apparition became a centre of prayer as people flocked to it to draw closer to Our Lady and in the hope of receiving a cure. Several miracles have taken place here. In recognition of this, Pope John Paul II named this particular day ‘World Day of the Sick’ in 1992. On this day, special liturgies may be celebrated which include the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

Wednesday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Genesis 2:4-9, 15-17; Psalm 103; Mark 7:14-23 

Today we read of the second account of the creation of man from the Book of Genesis and in it we see that the Lord provided man with every good thing in the garden but forbade him to eat of one tree only – all else was his to taste. Our Gospel passage for today is a continuation of yesterday’s in which Jesus was questioned by the Pharisees because his disciples did not purify themselves before eating. His answer to them is that what goes in to a person does not make them unclean – all food is clean. It is what is inside their hearts and minds which makes them unclean and prone to do the wrong thing. This was difficult for the Jews of the time to hear and we know from elsewhere in the New Testament that St Peter himself had to receive a vision before he too preached the same thing. We are all aware of our shortcomings and the image of Adam in the garden reminds us of what we can be and what we must strive for.

Thursday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Genesis 2:18-25; Psalm 127; Mark 7:24-30

Today we read of the creation of woman from the second creation account and we see that woman was created as a helpmate for man who was his equal and whose qualities complemented his. It was also the author’s way of emphasising that marriage is between one man and one woman in happiness. In our Gospel we see a Syrophoenician woman coming to Jesus because her daughter was possessed. Because she was a pagan Jesus told her that the believers had to be helped first but she reminded him that there was plenty of room for everyone at his table. Because of her faith in Christ’s powers her daughter was cured which also reminds us that there are plenty of people who may not belong to our Church but who still have faith and are welcome in the Kingdom. We are to keep in mind that we were created to live together in harmony, helping each other to fulfil our potential no matter what our creed or colour.

Feast of St Cyril, Monk & St Methodius, Bishop, Patrons of Europe

These two brothers were born about the year 825 in Salonika, were educated at Constantinople, and are regarded as the apostles of the southern Slavs to whom they preached the Gospel. In 863 they were sent as missionaries to Moravia. In 869 Cyril died in Rome but his brother was consecrated bishop and went back to Moravia and Pannonia (Hungary) with permission to use the Slavonic language in the liturgy. The Slavonic translation of the Bible is attributed to them. He was opposed by the German bishops and was for a time imprisoned. Methodius died in 885.


Acts 13:46-49; Psalm 116; Luke 10:1-9

These two men are responsible for bringing the Good News to those who spoke the Slavonic language in the ninth century. Like Saints Paul and Barnabas in the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles, they proclaimed the message to those who had not heard the story of Christ and our salvation and in doing so they did as the seventy-two did in going out ahead of the Lord (St Luke). The response to the Psalm sums up their mandate – “Go out to the whole world, proclaim the good news.” Our gospel text from St Luke sees Jesus sending out the seventy-two in pairs to preach and heal in his name just as Cyril and Methodius did in their time. As they responded to the Lord’s mandate so too we are challenged to follow their example and spread the Good News.

Saturday of the Fifth Week in Ordinary Time

Genesis 3:9-24; Psalm 89; Mark 8:1-10

The first reading tells us of the expulsion of man and woman from the Garden of Eden because they disobeyed God’s command and lost his divine friendship. In the Gospel we see Jesus feed the multitude with a few small fish and some loaves. This is in contrast to the first reading where Adam and Eve were forced to till the ground and fend for themselves. God wants us to be with him but we can only be with him if we live life according to the Gospel values. The Gospel is also a reminder that we must always help those who are in need from whatever we may have, no matter how little.


The Carmelite Order is present throughout the world, made up of people from many different cultures and traditions. What unites the Order is the call to live the threefold charism of prayer, community and service. Have you considered a life in the Carmelite Order?

Other Quick Links

Please see below some quick links to other sections in the site which you may find interesting.

Carmelite Library

The Carmelite Library, located in Gort Muire, Dublin, can be accessed by appointment.


The Carmelite Institute of Britain and Ireland (CIBI) provides distanced-learning courses in Carmelite Spirituality.

Carmelite Archives

The Carmelite Archive, located in Gort Muire, Dublin, can be accessed by appointment.

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