Recruitment and Selection Procedures
Recruitment of Candidates for the Order
The process which leads to candidates joining the Order is one of spiritual discernment and experience. This process is directed by those appointed by the Provincial and Council. However, each Carmelite has a role to play in being welcoming, encouraging and assisting the formators as appropriate. This process should be in keeping with the guidance of the Carmelite Constitutions and the Ratio Institutionis Vitae Carmelitanæ. As part of a successful application to join the Order the following steps must be completed:
- Ensuring the candidate is inducted in the Order’s Child Safeguarding Statement and child safeguarding policies and procedures, and agrees to abide by them in signing an agreement form.
- Requiring the candidate to sign a declaration form stating that there is no reason why he would be considered unsuitable to work with children.
- Requiring the candidate to undergo Garda vetting in accordance with the Carmelite Vetting policy.
- Ensuring the candidate agrees to work within the Carmelite Order’s Code of Behaviour.
- Ensuring that the candidate attends training in child safeguarding, in line with the Order’s policy. All friars must go through a formation programme which includes training in child safeguarding.
All visiting priests to Carmelite communities and churches must follow the procedures for visiting clergy and make contact with personnel in the Safeguarding Office to ensure that safeguarding requirements are being met (See Visiting Priests Protocol).