Child Safeguarding Policies
Taking children/young people on trips away
Trips away that involve children can be an extremely rewarding and fulfilling experience for all involved. To safeguard all concerned requires careful planning and consideration.
Planning Trips Away
You must:
- Identify the aim and outcomes of the programme.
- Carry out a hazard assessment.
- Recruit and select church personnel using safe practice guidelines, including vetting See Recruitment and selection.
- Select a key staff member who has overall responsibility for the trip.
- Nominate a staff member/volunteer who is responsible for First Aid and appropriately trained.
- Check the First Aid kit is fully stocked.
- Ensure adequate and gender-based supervision in line with the Carmelite safeguarding policies and procedures.
- Appoint a contact person (at home) who has access to all information and contact details.
- Check insurance to ensure that there is adequate coverage for all the planned activities.
- Check that the transport has appropriate insurance, qualified drivers and seatbelts.
- Carry out an equipment safety check.
- Make provision for returning home early if required.
- Allocate a budget and contingency fund.
- Obtain from parents/carers and guardians any information which may be relevant to a child staying away from home overnight, for example, information concerning allergies, medical problems or additional needs.
Check out the locations and accommodation of the trip away to ensure they have:
- Appropriate safeguarding policy, practices and procedures in place.
- Insurance cover.
- Appropriately trained and qualified staff.
- Appropriate supervision and security protocols.
- Appropriate changing and sleeping areas for boys and girls, if required.
- Disability access, if required.
- If staying overnight, have checked 24/7 access to centre staff, appropriate sleeping arrangements for children, that is separate provision for boys and girls, and separate provision for leaders (within close proximity of children).
Children/young people must:
- Be involved as much as possible in the planning of the trip
- Have read and signed to agree to abide by the Carmelite code of behaviour for children.
- Have been adequately prepared for the trip and provided with relevant information including schedules, activities, clothing, expectations, codes of behaviour, supports available, etc.
- Have agreed on boundaries around unstructured time.
- Have been provided with contact details for leaders.
- Give consent to the trip away.
- Give consent to be Garda Vetted if required (for example, all 16-18 year olds attending a Lourdes Pilgrimage).
Parents/guardians must:
- Have met with leaders and been informed of the programme, cost, schedules, activities, transport arrangements, clothing, expectations, codes of behaviour, supports available, etc.
- Be made aware of the Carmelite Child Safeguarding Statement, policies and procedures.
- Give written consent to their child participating on the trip. See Consent Form.
- Have provided contact, medical details including allergies, illnesses, medications and dietary requirements, etc.
- Give consent for their child to be Garda Vetted (for 16-18 year olds).
- Be provided with contact details of the leaders and centre/accommodation being used for duration of trip.
Church personnel (including adult volunteers for the Lourdes Pilgrimage) must:
- Have been appropriately trained and prepared for the trip. They must be clear on the appropriate boundaries when working with children and how to respond and report a child safeguarding concern.
- Give consent to be Garda Vetted.
- Have been inducted in the Carmelite Child Safeguarding Statement, policies and procedures.
- Have read and signed to agree to abide by the Carmelite code of behaviour.
- If relevant, have attended Safeguarding Vulnerable Adult training and be familiar with the Carmelite Safeguarding Vulnerable Adult policy.
- Have been assigned responsibilities and scheduled for breaks.
- Have been made aware of how to respond to and who to contact in an emergency.
- Work with children to review and evaluate the success of the activity.