Child Safeguarding Policies
Creating A Safe Environment
Before we engage in any activity with children, it is important that we have done all that is possible to create safe environments in which children can participate, develop and reach their potential. All activities must be planned and suited to the needs, wishes and age profile of the group. We should strive to be child centred in our attitudes, practice and behaviour. The procedures contained in this document must be implemented and adhered to by all involved in the activity. In addition, there will be specific practices that must be undertaken locally for each activity. These include:
- Completing a local child safeguarding risk assessment and any identified additional risks and associated procedures which form part of the overarching Carmelite Child Safeguarding Statement.
- Completing a hazard assessment: This assists with managing both health and safety issues, and the general welfare of children and young people. This should question if activities undertaken are suitable to the age, ability and experience of the participants; equipment and facilities are appropriate and meet quality standards; activities are risk assessed and appropriate responses to manage these risks are implemented; protective equipment is used where necessary; systems are in place to record injuries/accidents; buildings being used are safe; there is sufficient heating and ventilation; toilets and washing facilities are up to standard; fire precautions are in place; First Aid equipment is available; insurance cover is adequate, etc. For Risk Assessment Form, click here.
- Completing child & parental/guardian joint consent forms: The consent of parents/guardians should always be sought prior to engaging children in any activity. Consent from the children is also necessary to confirm that they wish to participate in the activity. The Joint Consent Form is part of the registration system for each child and also provides a record of contact details for child and parents/guardians, emergency contact details, medical needs and consent to take and use photographs and videos.
- Sign-in register of attendance at the activity: A minimum of two officially appointed leaders should be responsible for each activity involving children. All church personnel/leaders working directly with children must have attended a full day child safeguarding training session provided by NBSCCCI registered trainers. The officially appointed leaders must sign an Attendance Sheet and put their initials under each date to confirm that the children and adults marked were in attendance, as indicated by the ‘time in’ and ‘time out’ for each date.
- Code of Behaviour: Consider whether the generic Carmelite Code of Behaviour for Adults is sufficient for the specific activity taking place and consider whether additional guidance on adults’ interaction with children needs to be developed in light of the activity. For example, if a residential trip is planned, there will need to be more specific guidance regarding the adults’ interaction with children, particularly in relation to sleeping and changing areas.
- Record Keeping: Having systems in place to maintain good record keeping and the storage of same.